Managment consulting

Managment consulting



Business problems may lead to a bankruptcy, but may also be an opportunity for new endeavours.








Good advice is worth its weight in gold. Extensive experience and knowledge, partly acquired through formal education, but mostly gained by studying those using our services, is available to you through our management consultancy services. Each company, especially those start-ups, should have a business plan. You can draw up simple business plans with our help, but more complex plans require a common effort. Part of business planning may include feasibility studies and investment studies which in turn require additional expert knowledge and often they should be presented and explained to potential creditors or investors. Mature companies can look to us as a partner who shall, on the basis of a diagnosis of the state of the company and a market analysis, assist in creating a long-term sustainable strategy supported by the implementation of tactics and operational procedures.

We assist companies experiencing problems through turnaround management. Our view is that a time of crisis is a time of opportunity, but action must be carried out quickly and decisively. An analysis must be carried out in short period of time, whereas all the decisions must be carried out within a few months. Only persons with experience and an extensive familiarity of methods used to exit a crisis may affordably resolve a seemingly hopeless situation.